Thursday, January 5, 2012

Interview with Emperor Shunzhi

Reporter- It's great to see you Emperor Shunzhi. I hope you had a very safe and nice trip here. I just have a few questions to ask you.

Shunzhi- Sounds great! Let's get started right away.

Reporter- Emperor Shunzhi, since you are only six years old, some might say you might not have the experience that other more older rulers might have. Yes you are young and you might not have the experience of other, more older emperors but tell me... what was the hardest part about making the government of the Qing Dynasty?

Shunzhi- To tell you the truth, I did not run into as many problems when making the government of the Qing Dynasty. It is true that I might not of had the experience that others had but I had people around me who supported my decisions. I always tried to make decisions based on what I thought would benefit my people. The problem that I faced the most was people arguing with me about my decisions. Many people thought that my ideas were not good. I always had to change my decisions based on what everyone else wanted. Overall I thought that the government turned out very well if I say myself. (Haha)

Reporter- I can also say that your government turned out very well, but tell me, how do you like being an emperor at such a young age? Do you find it challenging at all?

Shunzhi- Well, being an emperor at such a young age has it's ups and downs. Some of the ups to being an emperor at such a young age is that I usually get to do whatever I want. Every kid wants to be lazy and relax sometimes. I get served so such because I am an emperor. That is pretty amazing. Some of the downs to being a emperor is that I don't really get to be a kid. You know what I mean? I don't get to hang around with friends or go to the food market and buy food. I have to sit in my room and get served. I'm not saying that is always bad, but sometimes it can get too much. I want to sometimes play games and, well just be a kid. I sometimes get told that I can't have fun, and that I just have to do work. Even though I am the emperor I don't always get what I want. Being an emperor is not just fun and games. Overall it wasnt too challenging being an emperor.

Reporter- I totally understand where you are coming from. You want to just be a kid sometimes and that is really hard when you are an emperor. I just have a few more questions for you. 

Shunzhi- That is fine, take all the time you need!

Reporter- Ok great. Why do you think that Confucianism is better for the Qing Dynasty then Daoism?

Shunzhi- There are many reasons why I think that Confucianism is better than Daoism. One reason that Confucianism is better is because Daoism is the belief that there should be less laws and that there should be a more natural society. This is not good because if someone breaks a law then they will have no punishment. They will continue to do bad things and they will never learn their lesson. Another reason is that they believe that everyone will be good and will do good things if they live in simple lives of quiet meditation. If everyone does that then they will do good in life and never get in trouble. That is not the case at all. People need to look up to their elders and have consequences for their actions. You need to work hard in life to do good in it. You have to be respectful and kind. You cant just breeze through life doing quiet meditation, it just does not make sence.

Reporter- I feel the same way! Ok we only have one more question and then you are free to go.

Shunzhi- Sounds Great!

Reporter- What was the feeling that you had when people said you were a great emperor and that everyone was so proud of you?

Shunzhi- Wow. I can honestly say that it was the best feeling in the world. Everyone was so proud of me and what I had accomplished. My family and friends were right by my side the whole time. I knew that I could count on them to help me become very successful. I was so happy that I proved people wrong. (Haha) So many people thought that I could never rule a Dynasty. Although it was a very hard job I did it. It was just the best feeling in the world and I really dont know how else to put it.

Reporter- Thank you so much Shunzhi for coming out and talking to us, it really meant a lot!

Shunzhi- No problem any time. It was so much fun sharing my story with you!

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