Saturday, January 7, 2012

Making the Qing Dynasty A Better Place

The Qing Dynasty believes in a Confucianism Philosophy. This is the Philosophy that you need to respect your elders and the people around you. In the Qing Dynasty the people that you need to respect would be the emperors. The emperors sometimes get too much power. They think that they can do whatever they want when they want to do it. Everyone should have a say in what they think is right not just rulers.
 The reason why the Qing Dynasty should have a new philosophy to believe in is because, everyone should have a say in what they want, not just rulers. In the Legalism philosophy it is believed that strict laws will make people good. In the Confucianism philosophy (Which is what the Qing Dynasty is in now) they think that everyone was born good, but that isn’t always the case. Another reason why the Qing Dynasty should change Philosophies is because they study Confucianism in schools. This should change because the teachers are teaching the kids to let people get in the way of their beliefs. If they really want to make a difference in that dynasty they should be able to stick up for themselves and not let other people rule them. The third reason why the Qing Dynasty should change their beliefs about Confucianism is because of the different groups that Confucianism put the people into. The highest people that you would look up to were Emperors, Scholar Bureaucrats, and Landowners. That was high class and then there was middle class and lower class. Since the Qing Dynasty believed in Confucianism the middle and lower class people were put into those bad groups. Everyone should be able to be in one big group, and everyone should be able to speak their own mind.
The other option that the Qing Dynasty has is to keep practicing Confucianism. This is not a very smart decision to make because they are telling people to not think for themselves. Just to take orders from other people and not disagree at all.  I think someone would disagree with my statement because they would want to have Confucianism. They would probably believe that you should respect the higher class people and just go along with what they say no matter what. They would believe that the higher class people knew that most and the lower class people didn’t know anything and that they were dumb, but that isn’t the case. I think that changing the belief of Confucianism to something else is the right thing to do because it is teaching people to stand up for what they believe in. I would recommend that if you do not change the practice of Confucianism then at least not make high, middle, and lower classes, make everyone at least have a say and then the higher classes get to make the final decision. Something that I can acknowledge about practicing Confucianism is that those who are afraid to speak out loud or sharing their opinions don’t have to. They have someone that does it for them.
The Qing Dynasty should be open to new ideas and they should take under consideration to change to belief of Confucianism to a different practice.

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